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Tina Renee' Brooks


About Me


My name is Tina Brooks, currently I'm pursuing a degree in Education at West Texas A & M University with a specialization in Special Education. My ultimate aspiration is to realize a long held dream by completing my college education and witnessing my children blossom into healthy, joyful adults while eagerly anticipating what the future may hold for them. Outside of academia. I revel in engaging in outdoor activities with my family, embarking on motorcycle adventures with my husband and exploring new destinations with my children.


I have always been inspired by the idea of making a meaningful difference in the lives of children who require extra support and guidance. Witnessing the resilience and potential of my son with diverse learning needs ignited a passion within me to pursue a career in Special Education. I believe that every child, regardless of their challenges, deserves access to quality education and the opportunity to thrive in a safe and inclusive learning environment. This belief has been a driving force behind my dream of becoming a Special Education teacher.


In the following pages, you will discover samples of my scholarly endeavors, in  addition to samples of lesson plans, ice breakers and contact details. Should you wish to find merit in my works, please do not hesitate to reach out with any inquiries, feedback, or expressions of interest.  

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
― Maya Angelou

My path to West Texas A & M University
I commenced my academic journey at West Texas A & M University in the autumn of 2023, brimming with excitement for my chosen field of study and a deep passion of education. As I progress into my second semester in the spring of 2024. I eagerly anticipated moving one step closer to my graduation goal and the prospect of stepping into my own classroom. I am particularly enthusiastic about specializing  in Special Education and look forward to engaging more deeply in this field.
My Greatest Challenge: Returning to Education
The most significant I've encountered thus far was the pivotal decision to reenroll in school after an extended absence. Recognizing the need to focus on the future, pursue my aspirations, and ultimately achieve my academic goals, I committed to this transformative journey. To overcome this challenge and stay committed to my academic goals, I have devise a plan to maintain my focus and determination. This includes creating a structured schedule to manage my time effectively, seeking support from professors and peers when needed, setting specific and achievable milestones to track my progress, and reminding myself of the reason why I embarked  on this educational journey in the first place. Additionally. I will stay motivated by visualizing the sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that completing my education will bring, and by embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.
Significant Learning Experiences
Incorporating my experiences at West Texas A & M University into my future classroom as a Special Education teacher involves applying the knowledge and skills I have gained through my studies and practical experiences. Throughout my journey at WTAMU, I have developed a strong foundation in education theory, instructional strategies, and classroom management techniques' that will be invaluable in supporting students with diverse learning needs. Additionally, my passion for working in the filed of Special Education has been further ignited through my coursework and interactions with faculty and peers who share a similar dedication to inclusive education practices. By intergrading these experiences into my teaching practice, I aim to create a supportive ,safe and inclusive learning environment where all students can thrive and reach their full potential.
My future plans
In the forthcoming 5-10 years, I am committed to dedicating myself to the classroom environment in order to assist children in realizing their maximum potential. I am currently undergoing thorough preparation to ensure readiness for any challenges that may arise along this journey. In the coming years, I plan to continuously enhance my skills and knowledge through ongoing professional development opportunities. This will include attending workshops, seminars, and conferences related to education nd child development. Additionally, I aim to pursue further certifications or advance degrees to deepen my expertise in the field. By staying dedicated to help them achieve their full potential.



Option 1: Memory Lane


  1. Have all participants sit in a circle.

  2. The first person says their name and shares a significant memory they have from their time in education (can be funny, heartwarming, embarrassing, etc.).

  3. The person next to them repeats the first person's name and memory, then shares their own memory.

  4. Continue around the circle until everyone has shared a memory.

  5. To make it more interactive, participants can try to recall each other's memories as it goes around.

Benefits: This activity encourages storytelling, builds connections, and allows team members to learn more about each other's experiences in education.

Option 1: Memory Lane

Instructions for Adapting for Different Age Groups:

  • For Children (ages 6-12):

    1. Have all participants sit in a circle or on a rug.

    2. Instead of memories from education, ask them to share a favorite memory from a family vacation or a fun experience they had.

    3. Encourage the use of simple language and provide prompts if needed to help them share.

  • For Teenagers (ages 13-18):

    1. Allow participants to share memories from their current school experiences or memorable events with friends.

    2. You can add a twist by asking them to share a memory related to a specific theme, like the most embarrassing moment in school or the funniest teacher they had.

Benefits: This adaptation ensures that the activity is age-appropriate and engaging for different groups, allowing them to connect through shared experiences.

Option 2: Human Knot

  1. Have everyone stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder.

  2. Each participant reaches into the circle with both hands to grab the hands of two different people across from them.

  3. Without letting go, the group works together to untangle themselves into a circle without breaking the chain of hands.

  4. Encourage communication and teamwork to problem-solve the "human knot."

  5. Once untangled, discuss strategies used and what was learned about teamwork.

 Here are some variations of the Human Knot activity that can be adapted for different group sizes:

  1. Small Group Variation (6 participants):

    • Have participants form a circle and follow the original Human Knot instructions.

    • To increase the challenge for a smaller group, have participants try to untangle themselves without speaking. This can enhance nonverbal communication and problem-solving skills.

  2. Large Group Variation (20+ participants):

    • Divide the large group into smaller subgroups of about 6-8 participants each.

    • Have each subgroup form a circle and do the Human Knot simultaneously.

    • After each subgroup successfully untangles, have them form one large circle with all the subgroups linked together. Challenge them to untangle as one big group.

  3. Virtual Variation (12 participants):

    • For a virtual setting, use a video conferencing platform with breakout rooms.

    • Assign each breakout room with 3 participants to form a mini-group for the Human Knot activity.

    • Participants can communicate using the chat feature or non-verbal cues to untangle themselves.

    • After the activity, bring all breakout rooms back to the main session for a debrief on teamwork and communication..

Lesson Plan #3






Exploring Fractions



Students will be able to compare and order fractions wit like denominators.



*Students will complete a worksheet where they identify, compare, and order fractions with like denominators. They will also explain their reasoning for the comparison made.


Key Points:

*Understanding the concept of fractions.

*Identifying fractions with like denominators.

*Comparing and ordering fractions with like denominators.

*Using visual models to represent fractions.



*Engage students by asking: "Can you think of a situation in your daily life where you have used or seen fractions being used?"

*Show a half of an orange and ask students how they would represent this fraction.


Introduction to New Materials:

*Introduce fractions as pars of a whole or a set.

*Identify fractions with like denominators using visual models.

*Common Misconception: Thinking that the numerators is, the larger the fraction, forgetting about the role of the denominators


Guided Practice:

*Provide examples of fractions with like denominators for students to compare and order.

*Scaffold questioning from easier comparison to more challenging ones.

*Monitor students performance by circulating the classroom and providing feedback as students work through the examples.

Lesson Plan #2

Working with Fractions


*Students will be able to compare and order fractions with unlike denominators.



*Students will complete a worksheet where they compare and order fractions with different denominators.


Key Points:

*Understanding how to compare fractions with unlike denominators.

*Using equivalent fractions to compare.

*Ordering fractions from least to greatest.



*Begin by asking students to think about a scenario where they need to compare different fractions in real life.

*Engage students by presenting a set of colorful fractions strips and asking them to identify which fraction is larger in different pairs.


Introduction to New Material:

*Explain the concept of comparing fractions with different denominator using visual representations and examples.

*Address the common misconception that a fraction with the larger numerator is always greater, regardless of the denominator.


Independent Practice:

*Distribute worksheets with a variety of fractions comparison problems to each students.

*Instruct students to compare and order the fractions independently, showing their work for each problem.

*Encourage students to use discussed during the lesson.


Exploring Fractions Fun !



Students will be able to identify, represent, and compare fractions up tp twelfths.



Students will be given a worksheet with various shapes divided into parts. They will need to label the fractions represented by the shaded parts for each shape.


Key points:

*Identifying fractions in shapes

*Representing fractions visually

*Comparing fractions with like denominators

*Understanding fractions up to twelfths



*Begin the lesson by showing pictures of pizza slices into different fractions.

*Ask students: "How can we describe the parts of the pizza into fractions?"


Introduction to New Materials:

*Show students examples of shapes divided into parts, such as circles and rectangles, and discuss how to identify the fractions represented.

*Address the common misconception that the larger the number in the denominator, the larger the fraction.


Guided Practice:

*Provide shapes divided into parts and ask students to identify and represent the fraction for each shape.

*Scaffold the questioning from simple shapes with halves and quarters to more complex shapes with eighths and twelfths.

*Monitor students performance by walking around the class, checking their work, and providing immediate feedback.


Lesson PLan #1

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